четвер, 3 травня 2012 р.

Challange to Survive in Death Camps

140 - Character - Claim:
  • Enslaved, betrayed people from concentration (death) camps could barely survive in order to be lucky to pass selection and not to be killed. (140 characters)

понеділок, 23 квітня 2012 р.

Story About a Yeallow Cat

Once upon a time there was a yellow cat.
One day, it was up on a tree in Nina's garden. It wasn’t really sure how it had got there, but it was there now.
Nina was walking in the garden with her mother. The yellow cat saw Nina from where she was sitting up in her tree. She wanted to wave out to Nina. 'I like the little girl,' she thought. 'I want to be friends with her.'
So the yellow cat waved her paw at Nina. Nina and her mother were looking at flowers in the garden. There were many big, beautiful, red, pink, orange and yellow flowers in the garden. Nina and her Mom didn't look up into the tree and so they didn't see the little yellow cat waving. Then Nina’s Mom went inside and Nina was in the garden all by herself. The cat called out,
Nina looked up,
“Hi!” said Nina.
Cat waved her again.
“What is your name?” asked Nina. The yellow cat thought.
“I don’t know I don’t have a name.” he said.
“You don’t have a name?” asked Nina. “Everybody has a name. I have two: one is Nina, the other is Malini. My Mom also has two names, they are Amma and Jyoti. My Dad, he has many names. His names are Appa, Pradeep, Paddy and PK.”
“How many names is that?” asked the yellow cat.
Nina counted on her fingers,
“Four” she said.
“Can you give me a name, Nina?” asked the yellow cat.
“Come down from up there.” The cat looked down.
“I can’t. I'm scared.” he said.
“Are you a cowardly cat?” asked Nina.
“No, I don’t know what kind of cat I am. But I can’t get down from here.”
“Wait”, said Nina. She went into the house, to the shelf where her books were kept.
“I know where I saw a yellow cat just like that one”, she thought. She pulled out the big book of animals. There were all the animals you could think of, big and small.

Nina turned the pages, and there! There was a yellow cat, exactly like the one on the tree outside. It was yellow with brown stripes. And what do you think it was? - a tiger!

After Nina went out into the garden and called out,
“Tiga, Tiga!” The little yellow cat jumped up and down happily!
“I remember now! I'm Tiga! And Tiga is NOT a cowardly cat!”

Saying that, he jumped down from the tree! And you can see Nina playing with Tiga, out in the garden, every day! After that Nina and Tiga have always been friends.

Cost of Life or Zeal for Survival

              It is very hard to say who is resposible for somebody’s life. Very often it depends on the situation. Most of the time, I think, we are responsible for our life, as it’s our life. Moreover, at times we don't even want to be honest and admit it to ourselves. Life is like a theatre, like a big play, and everything might happen, even tragedies; we won’t always depend on ourselves. There are a lot of tragically moments in history. However, how sad it wouldn’t be, this tragically moments that ended up with death, a lot of deaths, did not depend on those people who died.

              One of the brightest and most memorable examples for me is a story with Titanic. Can you only imagine how big the lost was and how horrible that was? One thing that made this tragedy more badly was that it was so unexpected. Nobody could even predict that something could happen with such a frugal and seemed to be perfect built Titanic, which will take hundreds of lives. As we know, the tragedy was not fault of passengers but staff, whose work was to be so painstaking and so careful while checking the ship and building it also. Unfortunately, staff didn’t make it. We can blame a lot of people and we can be wrong in one or the other person, because we don’t know for sure whose fault are all those deaths, but we know for sure that all the people that were on a cruise, they were innocent.

              For the second example I chose a moment from the novel called “The call of the Wild” by Jack London. I decided to choose this novel to show the reader the difference that can happen about responsibility of life. After Buck was sold for the first time, those people took him to Alaska and train him as a sled dog where he quickly learns how to survive the cold winter nights and the pack society by observing his teammates. Buck and the vicious, quarrelsome lead dog, Spitz, develop a rivalry. When Buck eventually beats Spitz in a major fight, and after Spitz is defeated, the other dogs close in, killing him. Buck then becomes the leader of the team. Here we can see another death, another tragedy, BUT the difference between the “Titanic death” and Spitz’s death is exactly in responsibility of a life. The dog Spitz, he was responsible for his life, as he was involved in fight with Buck. That was between them two only; it’s not Buck’s fault at all that Spitz died, because Spitz knew what he was doing and he understood that if he was going to die-he should blame himself.

              We can debate a lot about this rhetorical “Who is responsible of somebody’s life” but what would you say about that?

четвер, 5 квітня 2012 р.

What does it mean to be human?

               It’s a very difficult and in the same time interesting question. Probably, people still cannot find the answer. As for me, on the first place stand feelings. How can you call somebody a human, if that person cannot feel anything? No joy, no sadness, no worries, no love. The person is empty. Moreover, it’s not enough just to have those feelings; he/she has to know how to use them. That is very important. My next, not least important point of being human is understanding. Not in vain it’s said, that humans are different from animals, because they can understand. Whenever there is a sad situation, a human who is good at understanding – will understand you. Furthermore, he/she will support you and will try to help you.  My personal point of view is, that if a person is an understanding one and has feelings, only then he/she will be a human, a smart human, who will always be there for his/her friends, so that they can be sure that they can lay on him/her.

середа, 7 березня 2012 р.

Two ways Frankenstein has changed throughout the novel

We can see that throughout the novel Frankenstein had been changed cardinally. In the beginning of the story he is in love with Eliz. Eliz was his sister but they didn't feel as sister and brother to each other. Later when Frankenstein becomes ferine and obsessed with a creating a monster, Eliz feels morose and very lonely. She thought he start forgeting her. The further we read, the more we see the picture of a doctor. After creating his monster Frankenstein understood, that that was a bad idea. He realized he did a mistake. Monster felt that. Later, because he feel unwanted, monster kills his brother William, Justin (nurse), Henry (his friend), and Eliz (his fiancee). Doctor Frankenstein wants revenge for deaths of his family, which goes after the monster. He would do an arduous to be quits with his monster. As the result of some circumstances we can see how person can be changed easily from good side to bad one. After doctor Frankenstein has been through a lot of rough moments in his life, he couldn't convalescence.

четвер, 16 лютого 2012 р.

Creating Life

          Thousands years ago we could only dream about something that called cloning, creating life. It seemed to be so unreal and impossible. We also thought that there could be no submarines at all. What we have now? Nowadays the world has so many different things, so that the list will be endless.

          Creating a new life, or maybe at some points - cloning is a very serious and dangerous thing. We might not realized how serious that is, untill "this" will happen and affect us. Like for instance, the very same story Victor Frankenstein had, when he created a monster. He wanted to create a new life, to create something new in scince, what everybody was dreaming about. Dr. Victor hopped to help people to show more than the world could see. Unfortunately for a doctor, he didn't create a new life that would help the world, he created a monster. While he was creating it, he didn't realize what consequences this "new life" can bring.

          When a human is trying to disturb the nature and to make some descoveries, he/she takes huge responcibility for that. It's not a joke to create a new life. You never know what might happen, and we don't know nature well enough to do something like that. People don't know probably even half of it. That's why we need to be careful with what and how we do.

понеділок, 9 січня 2012 р.

2012 Theme Word

          My word is purposeful. Usually its says that if you chose this word, then you are lack of it in your life. Perhaps it's true. This year is very important in my life and probably it would be much better, if i would have more purposeful.

          This year I'm going to enter the Medical University in Prague.It's very difficult for me, as i will not be at home, I'll be on my own. I think if i would have even more purposeful wether i have now, it'd help me to become much more mature and to overcome all the difficulties and complite my goal.

          The second reason why i chose this word probably is necessity. You always have to be purposefull. If a person is purposeful, he can do alot in his life, he can be much more successful. If anybody has a goal, they have a goal to live, and they will do anything to reach it. From my own experience i made a conlcusion that to vbe prurpioseful is very important for life. It can make your life better then you expected it to be.